Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Day 2: Keepin It Goin'

Well it's Day 2. Still doing ok :)

I have decided my body is officially a freak of nature (ok, not completely true, but it is weird). I forgot to eat my 2:30 snack today and because I stayed up WAY past my bedtime, I decided to do my cardio after work instead of before (5:30am wasn't happening this morning. Don't talk about the year 2012 at 11pm is all I'm saying).

So, I figured one of two things would happen. Scenario a) I eat my snack at 5:30ish and then do my workout at 6ish and potentially cramp up and have to end early or b) not eat and get light headed and dizzy and have to end my work out early. I decided to go with option A because I knew when I was younger up through a few years ago I would cramp up if i ate ANYTHING an hour or so before working out, but I thought, well this is small and protein and I haven't done this in a long time, maybe my body has changed!

I get to the gym, change, stretch, do a couple of warm up brisk walk laps and start my jog. I was doing good until minute 25 and I start cramping. Now, I knew it wasn't a "not breathing enough cramp" this was a food cramp. I decide that I have to just push through the pain and get over it. Minute 26, I'm really not doing any better and I'm HURTING. I say to myself, you can do this, what's 4 more minutes? Minute 27 EXACTLY, I come to a dead stop. I barely was able to walk around the track for my cool down laps. I ALWAYS stretch after I cool down and I couldn't do it. I could barely sit in my car for the drive home. Moral of the story is, I'm setting an alarm to remind me to eat at 2:30 or just go to bed around 10pm, so I can get up in the morning and not worry about this. Plus this whole night time working out throws my eating schedule off (geez, I feel like I sound like an animal at the zoo with a schedule).

Recap of the Day.
Working out- TECHNICALLY got 31 minutes of cardio in. 2 minute warm up, 27 mins of jogging, 2 minute cool down.

Water- 120 oz
Coffee- 10 oz

Food Totals-
Calories- 1434
Fat- 32.5
Fiber- 42.7 (umm wow)
Protein- 58.4 (better than yesterday...)

I really need to start eating more protein and I'll be good :)

OH! ETA: So I watched the new season of The Biggest Loser tonight. I LOVE this show (can you not tell by me doing 2 Jillian books/workouts later in the year???). I'm not gonna lie, I cried. I cried a decent amount actually because I NEVER want to get to this point in my life, EVER. I honestly could have been on past casts with my past weight. This season is the biggest (literally) cast they have had yet. Only 3 women are under 250lbs. I am THANKFUL that I wouldn't have made it on this cast, even at my heaviest point. This really made me realize, I never want to get there. Seeing all the health issues they have, all the complications and drains on themselves and friends/family. I know I have had family worry about me. I never want my family to go through that again. I want to be healthy (and actually, I am in good health according to my stats from the summer). I just sit and watch that show and you can see the people want to win, but they aren't there for the money (ok, it's a nice perk), they're there for themselves. They don't want to die young and neither do I. I'm happy to make a change in my life. I want to be the best I can be and accomplish these goals.

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